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Just because I miss them, whether they do some stupid crap or not...

C'est tout!

Guess who's decided to show up?
Okay, so this post is totally a desperation of mine in order to keep myself awake for the next working hours, considering I've been running -more like dragging- in 3 1/2 hrs of sleep in the last 2 days. I swear that if I see the words "Bella, Edward, Jacob, Vampire, Werewolf" in the same text again, I'll pass out. *passes out*

*wakes up* So here I am to let you know everything that has happened since I last posted -Ouch!-. I'll try to keep it simple, but you probably know it won't work that u have 3 hs of reading to spare?

I'll make this all into parts, that will get things running smoother!


What a trip. To make things short, know this: I almost lost my flight twice, which is something only someone like me would manage to do. After over 11 hrs in the airport/airplane sitting around, I happily landed in Baltimore. Even happier with the fact that neither me or Jacob can figured out flights schedules and it turned out we arrived at exactly the same time (he had spent a few days in LA to attend this year's Coachella). *Note* He looooved it so much.

Feeling the humidity in the air was great, my hair stood 3 inches from my head -that part wasn't so great. I was supposed to meet this girl I found online in order to head straight to the Hanson concerts I was going to. I felt excited about my upcoming trip, tired as I was, but excitement slightly faded as I actually 'met' the girl I was going to spend the next week with. She was nice enough to give Jacob a ride home though, and I got to see the place I was going to be habitating for the next 4 months. Something caught me off guard: it was colder than a polar bear's toe nails.

Baltimore's Harbor, during the summer.

Still the harbor...

For some reason, all I remembered was how instantly warm it was in Florida and I didn't make the connection that that was because it was ALWAYS warm in Florida. So, thanks goodness Brazilians have no idea how cold is 'really cold' and my mother made me pack my winter gear in order to *travel to Brazil, therefore I did have some warm clothing packed. *more info on that Brazilian trip to come soon. (not bluffing, it's even written already)

We dropped off Jacob at the apartment complex we were going to live, my eyes shining in the opposite direction to our house, where -just on the other side of the street- a mall made my hopes for our new place much more optimistic. Jacob struggled to be optimistic about that. Me and this other girl started our trip. I wont make you suffer through all the details of my little advanture, but I MUST say that half way into it I found myself sitting on the floor of a parking lot crying like a baby with Jacob on the phone while Hanson made their way right in front of me. Yes, I'd have prefered to be home than be there. It was not that I didn't like the concerts, not that I didn't enjoy actually getting to know the band I had been a fan of for over 10 years; I was just fed up with being away from home and having to swallow my rage against Jackie, the girl who was driving me to the concerts and also INSANE. That day, I finally figured it out: I can't do people.

On a side note, my trip wasn't so hiddeous, I DID have a great time and made an AWESOME friend. I took what seemed to be a million pictures (that I didnt like very much, but fufilled its purpose); I walked barefoot for a total of 4 miles in all sorts of conditions, slept on a sleeping bag for a week and struggled with a huge tent that wasnt meant to stand on the city's concrete sidewalk. I had a blast as far as adventure goes, in fact I think I acquired a new hobby: Camping in the middle of the city, on a sidewalk, with a bunch of crazy people. It's hilarious. Everyone should do that at least once!

Here's a bit of what it was like:

Fans in line. First concert, Sayreville- NJ

Still in Sayreville I got to see one of my favorite photographers working, I was happier than I could have been that day, it was a all-in-one package.

Camping line in Falls Church -PA.

Walk talk. Hanson in the middle. Allentown -PA

My pride and joy! lol The last concert was in Lancaster-PA.


Being around Jacob again made me feel grateful I had him to come back to. I came to realize that even though we are never really a settled couple, moving everywhere in a short period of time, I can't say I don't have a home. I do. It's Jacob. I sound cheesy but that's the most important conclusion I got from everything I had gone through. Most people I love and appreciate being with, are spread all over the doenst matter what I do, where I go, who I meet- they'll always come and go, I've seen it repeat itself so many times now that I'm almost getting used to it.

Jacob is the one thing that remains always by me. Maybe that's why I freak out everytime I'm away from him, it's like the only certainty in my life was taken away from put it in the dramatic way. I wont sweeten you all up any longer, I just thought you all should know that even though it doesnt seem like it, we're always home.

Jacob and his love for hats.

This was at the Harbor, the day I came back from my little adventure.

I find this picture quite humorous, it does looks like the statue is grabbing me by the hair as I look rather pained. This was in Gettysburgh's battlefield.

We have gone many places and it has been great. We do try to enjoy ourselves as much as it's possible. This is how we are. We've learned a whole lot the last few months and I find it fascinating how much we've grown together. Truly, we seem like two children, but I think we get it; we know more than some people give us credit for. It hasn't been easy to learn the hard way all the time, and it's funny how different we are: Optimistic and Pessimistic trying to share the same world. It's very overwhelming sometimes but I'm glad we go through what we go through. It does make me scared for the future this all a preparation for things to come? I'll try to not torment myself with my NF mind.

This is IT for today, I have the other parts for my post written already so I'll try and post them slowly so you don't get too much information at once. Thanks you for all you do! We love you and LOVE hearing from you!

J&K Day

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